Apr 5, 2015

EMC ViPR - Software Defined Storage - Mangements

ViPR deployment requires first identifying the physical storage components that will be brought under ViPR control. After this, the physical entities must be mapped to ViPR abstractions. To enable this mapping, ViPR provides three native management interfaces: API, UI, and CLI. These interfaces drive discovery of the physical resources, mapping them to ViPR abstractions and then making storage available for provisioning and management. The ViPR API architecture forms the center of all interfaces, driving the UI and CLI.

The ViPR API is the core interface, all the resources managed by ViPR are accessible through the API. The ViPR REST API is used to extract information, create, delete, modify, monitor, and meter logical storage resources. All user interfaces for ViPR including the CLI, UI, ViPR-provided integration UIs, and user-developed UIs are layered on the API. The API architecture of ViPR offers an open environment enabling developers and users to extend ViPR functionality. This provides a means to integrate additional storage platforms and applications.
The ViPR API can be accessed by using any web browser or programming platform that can issue HTTP requests. Specific browser plug-ins are required to issue GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP requests. Examples include: HTTP Analyzer for Internet Explorer, Poster for Firefox, and PostMan for Chrome.

The ViPR CLI leverages the ViPR API to provide a scriptable environment for developers, storage, and cloud administrators. The CLI makes it easier for administrators to do simple tasks without resorting to programming. The CLI provides very granular access to the functions of the API. This means that users of the CLI must be prepared for more detail and more steps to accomplish tasks, but the CLI provides more custom control over operations when compared to the ViPR UI. The ViPR CLI is installed along with all the necessary support files on each ViPR virtual machine; however, the recommended practice is to install the CLI on a separate Linux or Windows host

ViPR includes an element manager called the ViPR User Interface. The UI provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that leverages the ViPR API capabilities to simplify ViPR operations. Although the ViPR UI uses the ViPR API behind the scenes, it hides the arcane details behind a user interface that is organized into operations the administrator and user will perform step-bystep through configuring ViPR and then provisioning storage. The ViPR UI is web browser-based and can be accessed using the placing the ViPR in the URL using port 6443.

After configuring the ViPR abstractions, the administrator will customize and expose ViPR services. Each service exposes a ViPR user-facing operation for self-service provisioning and use of storage. All the storage services are organized into categories in the Service Catalog. An administrator can configure these categories and services to restrict them to specific users and groups. This restriction is based on the user account or on group membership.
From the Service Catalog administrative view, a new service is created by copying and modifying
an existing one or by creating one from scratch. The administrator can also restore the default catalog. This will remove any changes that were made and restore the catalog to its configuration at installation.
The ViPR Admin view provides the ability to define execution windows that control when an order can be executed. The Systems area provides access to Recent Orders to view the orders that were created when services were submitted for execution.

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